Friday, May 29, 2009

All About Hamster - Spices

Hello Readers, Today onwards I? will post some of the information regarding Hamster's kindly let me know any wrong or leave comment. Thank you. Hamsters are originally from the Middle East and southeastern Europe. There are 24 different types of hamsters in the world today. Our gallery contains some of the most popular types, readily available in pet stores The most popular is the Syrian Hamster, which is also known as the "Golden Hamster" or "Teddy Bear Hamster". Discovered in the Syrian Desert in 1930 they were brought to North America in 1938. Since then, their popularity has grown and they are now one of the most commonly owned house pet world wide. Pet stores also have taken to calling them "Honey Bears," "Panda bears," "Black bears," "European Black bears," "Polar Bears," and "Dalmatian," depending on their coloration

Terminator Salvation : Movie Superb.

TERMINTOR SALVATION : It's very super movie. The movie story dosen't run as usual terminator 1, 2, & 3. Since the story begin at year 2003 where th one man sent to death on his punishment and give his body for the Organitation, then the story start in the future 2018 where machine take over the world and war with human-kind. This time Skynet build a machine that contain human cells, dna, heart as human brain. Viewers Still can enjoy the full pack of action. This time a lot of Machine such as look like Motorbike, Car, Giant Terminator, leacher and ect. (sorry i don't know the name). My summary is you can enjoy the movie as is not like previous movie. I thinking want to go watch again.